Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.author Zacłona, Zdzisława (red.)
dc.contributor.author Visković, Ivana (red.)
dc.contributor.author Radovanovic, Ivica (red.)
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-24T16:03:27Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-24T16:03:27Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.isbn 978-953-352-121-3
dc.description.abstract PREFACE: Social changes that are accelerated and are difficult to predict, and the redefinition of (social) values and norms generate new educational challenges. Quality pedagogical answers require scientific and systematic research of new social situations, especially within the framework of the public education system. The system of educational institutions is determined by public policies that define approaches and expected educational outcomes. In addition to school institutions, they necessarily include institutional early and preschool education (hereafter ECEC), extracurricular organisations, but also all other institutions whose (re)formation and education are (one of) the core activities (for example, reformation institutions). These Proceedings are a contribution to the analysis and understanding of the education system and quality responses to development processes. They were created by the synergy of scientists from three higher education institutions. With these Proceedings, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split (Croatia) joined the Faculty of Social Sciences and Arts of the University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz (Poland) and the Faculty of Education of the University of Belgrade (Serbia) who had already established traditionally good cooperation through 16 annual, jointly published, books of proceedings. The editorial board of Proceedings was joined by two more members, prof. Alicja Renata Sadownik from the University of Applied Sciences of Western Norway, Bergen (Norway) and prof. Milena Ivanuš Grmek, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. The proceedings bring together the paper works of scientists from 10 higher education institutions from four countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Poland and Serbia. Transcending geographical boundaries and pedagogical practices, the scientists-authors point to universal pedagogical paradigms by analysing the difficulties observed in practice in their papers. At the same time, possible high-quality application solutions are generated based on scientific knowledge and research. The papers are arranged in (presumed) order of application of pedagogy in practice. Each individual paper makes a unique contribution to the understanding of pedagogical practice and different pedagogical paradigms. Based on the analysis of available research, authors Monika Terlović and Danijela Blanuša Trošelj provide an overview of ECEC public education policies. Public educational policies, as a reference framework for pedagogical practice in ECEC, determine the quality of the educational process and outcomes for children. Cooperation between ECEC and the local community can also contribute to quality. Authors Marijana Miočić and Ana Molt Demo analysed the opinion of preschool teachers about the modalities of this cooperation. The quality of the ECEC process, which can contribute to the mental health of early and preschool children, was analysed by author Zbigniew Ostrach. The author recognizes social games as one of the quality tools for enhancing children’s well-being. Instead of shifting the responsibility (and some kind of guilt) to the media and computer games, the authors point to the educational potential of social games. Authors Nikoleta Dobrosavljević and Zorica Cvetanović write about the importance of pedagogy in the system of primary education. They analyse the importance of using a reading diary from a teacher’s perspective. The need to develop methodical instructions for teachers was recognised. This would contribute to the uniformity of the structure of the reading diary and, possibly, the development of student independence as a predictor of the quality of the process. The higher education of ECEC teachers can be interpreted as a particularly significant dimension of all educational systems. Only highly educated teachers who recognise the value of upbringing and education can systematically develop personal competencies and thus stimulate the learning and development of those they work with. Authors Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić and Višnja Raić analysed the development of new professional competences of ECEC teachers in the ECEC system. Having examined the opinion of future ECEC teachers, the authors point to the need for development of competencies for human rights and active citizenship education. They recognise the problem of insufficient representation of these contents in the existing curriculum of higher education for future ECEC teachers. The importance of communication competences is examined by the authors Julia Klapa and Jolanta Rybska-Klapa. Special attention is paid to the communication competences in a foreign language of students with dyslexia. Based on processed data that was collected by researching students’ opinions, the authors analyse facilitating and aggravating factors. Systematic analysis of factors is the starting point for generating recommendations for the development of quality practice at the academic level. Author Katarina Šimić examined the preferred style of students - future ECEC teachers. Based on the survey of ECEC students’ opinions the author concludes that students prefer independent learning. At the same time, the author observes the connection of learning styles with certain areas (e.g., the connection of kinaesthetic style with music education). The last, particularly important and interesting chapter brings together new pedagogical approaches generated by contemporary social processes and lifestyle changes. This topic is introduced by the author Marek Mierzynski, who gives an overview of the anthropological perspective of contemporary pedagogy. The author analyses the conditions and anthropological inspirations. Through the presentation of three directions of philosophical anthropology, he analyses possible answers (theses) about the nature, structure, development and education of human beings. Aleksandar Tadić provides a pedagogical insight into the interpersonal style of teachers. Analysing the interpersonal style of physical education teachers, the author argues for their autonomy. In this context, it is possible to analyse the pedagogical implications of physical activities of young people. The authors Tonća Jukić and Dora Mimica present a study of the mental strength of young people who play sports, considering their age and length of training. Author Miroslava Ristić proposes a model for evaluating the quality standards of open educational resources. The final paper of these Proceedings analyses a topic that often remains “outside the scope” of the pedagogical activity analysis. Author Krzysztof Jasinski analyses the factors of re-adaptation of persons who are temporarily incarcerated. The author interprets the difficulties of re-adaptation into society by a subjective feeling of the fear of freedom, among other things. The vicious circle of relapse that individuals fall into increases the stress they experience, which encourages a cognitive escape from freedom. Firmly believing that these Proceedings contribute to the exchange of quality of educational systems and approaches, and encourage reflection on the quality of this system, we proudly submit it for reading. At the same time, we bear witness to the importance of networking and the synergy of joint work. pl_PL
dc.language.iso en pl_PL
dc.publisher University of Split pl_PL
dc.subject pedagogika pl_PL
dc.subject edukacja pl_PL
dc.title Pedagogy in education practice pl_PL
dc.type Book pl_PL

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