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Akademii Nauk Stosowanych

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Modelling the migration of anthropogenic pollution from active municipal landfill in groundwaters

Pokaż uproszczony rekord Ciuła, Józef 2023-06-21T12:22:34Z 2023-06-21T12:22:34Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation CIUŁA, Józef. "Modelling the Migration of Anthropogenic Pollution from Active Municipal Landfill in Groundwaters" Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment, vol.14, no.2, 2021, pp.81-90. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn e-2720-6947
dc.description.abstract Landfill requires a systematic monitoring of its impact on groundwater and surface waters. The paper presents the modeling of pollution migration for cases when leachate penetrates the aquifer layer. For this purpose, a conceptual hydrodynamic model of the aquifer was developed in the program Visual ModFlow Pro, which is a spatial two-layer model. Chloride ion was used as an indicator defining the rate of pollution migration. The results of calculations and modeling of pollution migration in soil-water conditions demonstrated that it is practically impossible for pollutants to penetrate the aquifer, since a sufficient protection is provided by artificial insulation and a layer of sandy clays. A potential pollution migration to groundwater can only occur after a rupture - damage to the insulation layer. In such a case, vertical infiltration will be taking place in the 4aeration zone for a relatively long period, while the migration of pollutants already in the saturation zone (hydrated) will be taking place at a relatively high speed. pl_PL
dc.language.iso en pl_PL
dc.publisher Silesian University of Technology pl_PL
dc.rights Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.subject landfill site pl_PL
dc.subject leachate pl_PL
dc.subject environmental monitoring pl_PL
dc.subject modeling pl_PL
dc.subject pollution migration pl_PL
dc.subject składowisko odpadów pl_PL
dc.subject odciek pl_PL
dc.subject monitoring środowiska pl_PL
dc.subject modelowanie pl_PL
dc.subject migracja zanieczyszczeń pl_PL
dc.title Modelling the migration of anthropogenic pollution from active municipal landfill in groundwaters pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Poza zaznaczonymi wyjątkami, licencja tej pozycji opisana jest jako Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)