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Wszystkich pracowników Akademii Nauk Stosowanych zachęcamy do deponowania swoich prac.
Zbiory publikacji Akademii Nauk Stosowanych w Nowym Sączu
Ostatnio dodane
Szeląg-Sikora, Anna; Oleksy-Gębczyk, Aneta; Ciuła, Józef; Cembruch-Nowakowski, Mariusz; Peter-Bombik, Katarzyna; Rydwańska, Paulina; Zacłona, Tomasz
(MDPI, 2024-12-28)
The energy transition currently defines the economic development of all market
sectors, driven by technological progress and increasing environmental awareness. The
requirements of a sustainable economy and green energy ...
Kochanek, Anna; Ciuła, Józef; Jasińska, Aleksandra; Generowicz, Agnieszka; Mitryasova, Olena; Jurkowski, Sławomir; Kwaśnicki, Paweł
(MDPI, 2024)
This spatial analysis focuses on the relevant elements regarding the use of renewable energy sources, in particular, biogas, taking into account sustainability. The characteristics of the processes of biogas formation are ...
Ciuła, Józef; Wiewiórska, Iwona; Kulczycka, Joanna; Willson, Julia
(Politechnika Koszalińska, 2024)
The properties and composition of the sludge generated in water treatment systems depend primarily on the
type and composition of the water to be treated, the treatment methods, and the type and doses of chemical ...
Basta, Emilia; Ciuła, Józef
(Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej , Politechnika Lubelska., 2024)
To evaluate the water quality in the Poprad, Kamienica, Dunajec river and the Łubinka stream in the Sącz agglom-
eration, two series of pilot studies were conducted on raw water samples, with a particular focus on both ...
Rogowski, Robert
The article contains the results of studies conducted in the institutions of social policy. The results include
information about expectations of organizations to volunteer seniors. Representatives of the institutions are ...
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