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dc.contributor.authorPrzydatek, Grzegorz-
dc.contributor.authorBasta, Emilia-
dc.description.abstractA comparative analysis of municipal waste generated in a selected suburban municipality in the mountain area of the European Union showed a collection of mixed and segregated waste, taking into account 10 fractions out of which 6 fractions were collected irregularly. The mass of waste generated was dominated by mixed waste with the highest amount of 50.50 Mg and an average value of 32.96 Mg. The highest result of the amount of collected waste in the municipality of 158.32 Mg fell at bulky waste, which was collected irregularly. Within 48 months a favorable increase in the mass of collected segregated waste was noted, and thus their recovery with the highest average close to 30 Mg. Despite the increase of segregated waste accumulation rate per capita it was lower of 0.56 kg than mixed waste accumulation rate per month, which confirms the need to deepen ecological awareness.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowa
dc.subjectmunicipal wastepl_PL
dc.subjectwaste managementpl_PL
dc.subjectrate accumulationpl_PL
dc.titleSystemic Efficiency Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Suburban Municipalitypl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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