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Tytuł: Recognition of Effectivity Waste Management in the Selected Urban-Rural Commune – Case Study from Poland
Autorzy: Przydatek, Grzegorz
Waśko, Marcin
Słowa kluczowe: waste management
municipal landfill site
Data wydania: 2022
Wydawca: MedWin Publishers
Abstract: The analysis of waste management in the urban - rural commune in the mountain region in three years showed a difference between the declarations and the number of segregating inhabitants due to the development of internal emigration. The highest indicators determining the amount of generated waste occurred in the city, which was conducive to the amount of generated waste. The highest average mass of generated waste 262.93 Mg occurred in 2013. Generally in three years, there was an increase in collected municipal waste, which confirms the need to promote solutions conducive to the "zero waste" economy.
ISSN: 2640-2718
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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