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Tytuł: Indicators of Impact Selected Municipal Units on the Air Quality—Case Study from Poland and Romania
Autorzy: Przydatek, Grzegorz
Irimia, Oana
Panainte-Lehadus, Mirela
Tomozei, Claudia
Mosnegutu, Emilian
Gawron, Piotr
Słowa kluczowe: atmospheric air
chemical pollution
Data wydania: 2022
Wydawca: MDPI
Cytat: Oana, I.; Grzegorz, P.; Mirela, P.-L.; Claudia, T.; Emilian, M.; Piotr, G. Indicators of Impact Selected Municipal Units on the Air Quality—Case Study from Poland and Romania. Processes 2022, 10, 2485.
Abstract: A 2020 investigation into air quality in urban areas found that nitrogen oxide and PM10 concentrations were above average. With the exception of summer, three seasons were found to have the highest nitrogen oxide concentrations, with a significant decrease during COVID-19. The significant PM10 relationship showed how communication affects the worsening of air quality, especially in the winter. The highest concentration of nitrogen oxide of 53.99 μg m−3 indicated the possibility of advection of pollutants from outside the agglomeration. The highest level of nitrogen oxide content, 95.95 μg m−3 in the atmospheric air, confirmed the significant presence of pollutants of communication origin. The advancement of electro-mobility and the application of cutting-edge technologies alongside renewable energy sources may contribute to a decrease in the amount of harmful substances released into the atmosphere.
ISSN: 2227-9717
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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