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Tytuł: Technical and Economic Aspects of Environmentally Sustainable Investment in Terms of the EU Taxonomy
Autorzy: Ciuła, Józef
Generowicz, Agnieszka
Oleksy-Gębczyk, Aneta
Gronba-Chyła, Anna
Wiewiórska, Iwona
Kwaśnicki, Paweł
Herbut, Piotr
Koval, Viktor
Słowa kluczowe: activated carbon
landfill gas
gas treatment
hydrogen sulphide removal
Data wydania: 2024
Wydawca: MDPI
Cytat: Ciuła, J.; Generowicz, A.; Oleksy-Gębczyk, A.; Gronba-Chyła, A.; Wiewiórska, I.; Kwaśnicki, P.; Herbut, P.; Koval, V. Technical and Economic Aspects of Environmentally Sustainable Investment in Terms of the EU Taxonomy. Energies 2024, 17, 2239. en17102239
Abstract: Removing impurities that occur in landfill gas, from sulphur and silicon compounds, is crucial for the energetic use of biogas in a cogeneration unit for energy purposes. The aim of this study was to analyse the shaped activated carbon, examining its structure and elemental composition as part of the biogas purification. The qualitative study of the purified landfill gas performed in this study showed a significant overshoot of hydrogen sulphide at 304.1 ppm with respect to the gas engine manufacturer’s requirements, while the calculated hydrogen sulphide reduction efficiency was 24.58%. Examination of the surface of the spent carbon and its pores with a scanning microscope revealed a high level of clotting by sulphur compounds, which prevents proper reduction of this compound and reduces the efficiency of the treatment plant. Replacement of the activated carbon bed with a new one showed a hydrogen sulphide value of 7.5 ppm in the purified gas and a calculated reduction efficiency of 97.9%. The results of the study confirmed that continuous monitoring of the quality of the purified gas is necessary to control the adsorption properties of the activated carbon and can be used for the operation of gas engines in cogeneration units. The landfill gas treatment method described in this paper constitutes an environmentally sustainable project within the meaning of the EU regulation on the establishment of a framework to promote and facilitate this type of investment in terms of its financing and operation. The topic of the work fits into three key areas of broad research and implementation activities. The first, technological, is the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable and resource-efficient closed-loop economy; the second, environmental, pollution prevention and control. The third area is economics and finance in terms of making financial products available designed to reduce climate change and reporting on these activities.
ISSN: 1996-1073
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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