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dc.contributor.authorKrośniak, Mirosław-
dc.contributor.authorPapież, Monika-
dc.contributor.authorKaczmarczyk, Joanna-
dc.contributor.authorFrancik, Renata-
dc.contributor.authorPanza, Maria-
dc.contributor.authorCovelli, Vincenzo-
dc.contributor.authorGryboś, Ryszard-
dc.identifier.citationKrośniak, M., Papież, M.A., Kaczmarczyk, J. et al. Influence of Fructose and Fatty-Rich Diet Combined with Vanadium on Bone Marrow Cells. Biol Trace Elem Res 155, 276–282 (2013).
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study is to investigate the influence of diet treatment on bone marrow cells. Normal male Wistar rats were divided into six groups (n = 6 per group): control with normal diet (C), increased fructose (31 % w/w in fodder) (Fr) and high fatty (30 % w/w of animal fat in fodder) diet (Fa), and the same diets with vanadium complex ([VO(4,4′ Me2-2,2′ Bpy)2]SO4) · H2O (CV, FrV and FaV). During 5 weeks, the animals had unlimited access to food and water. Immediately after anaesthetizing and sacrificing the animals, bone marrow smears were prepared from the femurs. Different types of cell lines in the animal smears were examined under the microscope: erythroid line, myeloid line, monocytic line, megakariocytic line and lymphoid line. Addition of fructose or animal fat had evident influence on the proportional composition of the bone marrow cells. In erythroid precursors, addition of both investigated products resulted in a statistically significant increase of percentage of this type of cells. A reverse effect was observed for the lymphoid cell line where addition of both tested diets decreased quantity of these cells in comparison to the control diet. In the same lines, addition of vanadium intensified the observed changes. In the case of other types of cell lines, statistically significant changes were not observed.pl_PL
dc.subjectbone marrow cellspl_PL
dc.subjectfatty dietpl_PL
dc.titleInfluence of Fructose and Fatty-Rich Diet Combined with Vanadium on Bone Marrow Cellspl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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