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Tytuł: Animals in Iodine Deficiency or Sulfadimethoxine Models of Thyroid Damage Are Differently Affected by the Consumption of Brassica Sprouts
Inne tytuły: Animals in Iodine Deficiency or Sulfadimethoxine Models of Thyroid Damage Are Differently Affected by the Consumption of Brassica Sprouts
Autorzy: Paśko, Paweł
Prochownik, Ewelina
Krośniak, Mirosław
Tyszka-Czochara, Małgorzata
Renata, Francik
Marcinkowska, Monika
Sikora, Jakub
Malinowski, Mateusz
Zagrodzki, Paweł
Słowa kluczowe: Iodine deficiency
Brassica sprouts
Thyroid gland
Data wydania: 2019
Wydawca: Springer
Cytat: Paśko, P., Prochownik, E., Krośniak, M. et al. Animals in Iodine Deficiency or Sulfadimethoxine Models of Thyroid Damage Are Differently Affected by the Consumption of Brassica Sprouts. Biol Trace Elem Res 193, 204–213 (2020).
Abstract: The study was primarily aimed at investigating the effect of brassica sprout consumption, namely rutabaga (Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica) sprouts (R) generally recognized as antithyroid agent due to its goitrogenic substance content, on hematological, biochemical, and immunological parameters in rats. Sprouts were tested alone and in a combination with other antithyroid factors, such as iodine deficiency (RDI) and sulfadimethoxine (RS). The expression of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) gene in the thyroid as a stress-inducible protein was determined. The thermographic analysis was also estimated. The intake of rutabaga sprouts by healthy rats did not reveal any significant, harmful effect on the thyroid function. Both body temperature and expression of HO-1 remained unchanged in response to the consumed sprouts. In animals with hypothyroidism, rutabaga sprouts enhanced the negative effect of iodine deficiency or sulfadimethoxine ingestion on the organism by increasing the WBC (RDI), TNF-α (RS), creatinine (RS), and triglyceride (RDI and RS) levels, as well as decreasing PLT (RS) level. Moreover, rutabaga sprout consumption by rats with iodine deficiency and sulfadimethoxine decreased their body temperature. Additionally, the concomitant administration of sprouts and iodine depletion significantly reduced the expression of HO-1 in the thyroid. The results may prove useful in confirming rutabaga sprout consumption to be safe, though the seeds of this vegetable provide a well-known antithyroid agent. Our results have shown that rutabaga sprout consumption may be also a factor that enhances the negative clinical features only when combined with iodine deficiency and sulfadimethoxine ingestion.
ISSN: 0163-4984
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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