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Tytuł: The Impact of Kohlrabi Sprouts on Various Thyroid Parameters in Iodine Deficiency- and Sulfadimethoxine-Induced Hypothyroid Rats
Autorzy: Paśko, Paweł
Okoń, Krzysztof
Prochownik, Ewelina
Krośniak, Mirosław
Francik, Renata
Kryczyk-Kozioł, Jadwiga
Grudzińska, Marta
Tyszka-Czochara, Małgorzata
Malinowski, Mateusz
Sikora, Jakub
Galanty, Agnieszka
Zagrodzki, Paweł
Słowa kluczowe: kohlrabi sprouts
hyroid hormone
iodine deficiency
antioxidant capacity
biochemical parameters
Data wydania: 2022
Wydawca: MDPI
Cytat: Paśko P, Okoń K, Prochownik E, Krośniak M, Francik R, Kryczyk-Kozioł J, Grudzińska M, Tyszka-Czochara M, Malinowski M, Sikora J, et al. The Impact of Kohlrabi Sprouts on Various Thyroid Parameters in Iodine Deficiency- and Sulfadimethoxine-Induced Hypothyroid Rats. Nutrients. 2022; 14(14):2802.
Abstract: Brassica sprouts, as the rich source of dietary glucosinolates, may have a negative effect on thyroid function. In this study, kohlrabi sprouts diet, combined with two models of rat hypothy- roidism, was tested. TSH, thyroid hormones and histopathology analysis were completed with the evaluation of immunological, biochemical, haematological parameters, cytosolic glutathione peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase in the thyroid, and plasma glutathione peroxidase. A thermo- graphic analysis was also adapted to confirm thyroid dysfunction. The levels of TSH, fT3 and fT4, antioxidant enzyme (GPX) as well as histopathology parameters remained unchanged following kohlrabi sprouts ingestion, only TR activity significantly increased in response to the sprouts. In hypothyroid animals, sprouts diet did not prevent thyroid damage. In comparison with the rats with iodine deficiency, kohlrabi sprouts diet decreased TNF-α level. Neither addition of the sprouts to the diet, nor sulfadimethoxine and iodine deficiency, caused negative changes in red blood cell parameters, glucose and uric acid concentrations, or kidney function. However, such a dietary intervention resulted in reduced WBC levels, and adversely interfered with liver function in rats, most likely due to a higher dietary intake of glucosinolates. Moreover, the possible impact of the breed of the rats on the evaluated parameters was indicated.
ISSN: 2072-6643
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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