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dc.contributor.authorMałka, Piotr-
dc.contributor.authorGaska, Krzysztof-
dc.contributor.authorWysowska, Ewa-
dc.contributor.authorKudlik, Kazimierz-
dc.contributor.authorCiuła, Józef-
dc.identifier.citationMałka, P., Gaska, K., Wysowska, E., Kudlik, K., Ciuła, J. (2022). Intelligent infrastructure (critical) of the water supply network for collective water supply systems – a case study. Desalination and Water Treatment, 274, 1-6, doi: 10.5004/dwt.2022.28917pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article presents a method of solving a research and technological problem related to the optimization of data transmission and stabilization of interactions between the components of the information and communication technologies and hardware systems managing the process of predictive diagnostics of machines and devices as well as inferential control of actuators of the critical water supply network infrastructure. Building an intelligent infrastructure of the water production and distribution system requires the use of highly efficient IT systems that enable complex computational processes, including a dynamic hydraulic model of the network, as well as simulation of changes in process and technological parameters in real time. The conducted analyses have shown that the optimal approach is to combine virtual solutions with solutions based on physical workstations. An important consideration was to adjust system to the requirements of the Cybersecurity Act along with the selection of appropriate equipment enabling the implementation of procedures ensuring network security and safe access to the resources of the intelligent water supply system.pl_PL
dc.publisherBalaban Publishers – Desalination Publicationspl_PL
dc.subjectcritical infrastructurepl_PL
dc.subjectcybersecurity of the ICT systempl_PL
dc.subjectintelligent water supply networkpl_PL
dc.titleIntelligent infrastructure (critical) of the water supply network for collective water supply systems – a case studypl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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