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Tytuł: Advanced algorithmic model for poly-optimization of biomass fuel production from separate combustible fractions of municipal wastes as a progress in improving energy efficiency of waste utilization
Autorzy: Gaska, Krzysztof
Generowicz, Agnieszka
Lobur, Mykhailo
Jaworski, Nazariy
Ciuła, Józef
Vovk, Myroslava
Słowa kluczowe: odpady komunalne
Data wydania: 2019
Wydawca: EDP Open [Commercial Publisher]
Cytat: K. Gaska, A. Generowicz, M. Lobur, N. Jaworski, J. Ciuła, M. Vovk, Advanced algorithmic model for poly-optimization of biomass fuel production from separate combustible fractions of municipal wastes as a progress in improving energy efficiency of waste utilization, E3S Web Conf., 122 (2019) 01004 DOI:
Abstract: Usage of generated fuel components from segregated municipal waste groups in combined combustion processes with traditional fuels results in significant savings by partial replacement of fossil fuels and the reduction of environmental inconvenience that arises directly from the migration of waste to the environment. This article develops technological process of fuel components production which is controlled by advanced embedded SCADA control systems, providing monitoring of process parameters, process visualization and implementation, with the help of logic controllers of freely programmable PLC and complex control algorithms (including adaptive, predictive and inferential control algorithms) by implementation of the polymorphic model of fuel components obtaining process multi-stream optimization.
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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