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dc.contributor.authorGaska, Krzysztof-
dc.contributor.authorGenerowicz, Agnieszka-
dc.contributor.authorZimoch, Izabela-
dc.contributor.authorCiuła, Józef-
dc.contributor.authorSiedlarz, Dariusz-
dc.identifier.citationK. Gaska, A. Generowicz, I. Zimoch, J. Ciuła, D. Siedlarz, A gis based graph oriented algorithmic model for poly-optymization of waste management system, Architecture Civil Engineering Environment 2018, No 4, s. 151-159pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article presents an integrated (inferential) system of computer assistance in waste management designed in component- based technology. The system allows for the implementation of individual elements (system components) with native and managed programming languages and performance technologies, ensuring easy integration of those components into one coherent, cooperating whole. One of the key issues involves the placement of the objects, events and conducted spatial (geographical) analyses in the system through the application of GIS technology (ability to use digital (vector or halftonebased) terrain maps), execution of spatial analyses, data visualization on maps, etc., using also commonly available spatial data available as part of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information (established under the Act on Infrastructure for Spatial Information).pl_PL
dc.publisherPolitechnika Śląskapl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
dc.subjectgraph oriented modelspl_PL
dc.subjectwaste managementpl_PL
dc.subjectmodel-oriented programming technologypl_PL
dc.subjectHigh Performance Computingpl_PL
dc.titleA gis based graph oriented algorithmic model for poly-optymization of waste management systempl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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