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dc.contributor.authorCiuła, Józef-
dc.contributor.authorGaska, Krzysztof-
dc.contributor.authorGenerowicz, Agnieszka-
dc.contributor.authorHajduga, Gabriela-
dc.identifier.citationJ. Ciuła, K. Gaska, A. Generowicz, G. Hajduga, Energy from Landfill Gas as an Example of Circular Economy, E3S Web of Conferences 30, 03002 (2018),
dc.description.abstractLandfill biogas becomes an important factor in elimination of fossil fuels as a result of fast- growing use of renewable energy sources. The article presents an analysis of operation of the plant where landfill biogas was utilized for energy production. The average annually (gross) productions of electric energy and heat at the plant were 1217 MWh and 1,789 MW, respectively. The average calorific value of biogas was 17 MJ/m3, which corresponds to 4,8 kW/m3. According to the measurements and actual readings acquired during operation of a cogeneration unit, it can be stated that the CHP system has been working within its average operation limits and still has some power reserves to utilize. Therefore, the authors concluded that a landfill can be operated both as a producer and a supplier of prosumer energy.pl_PL
dc.publisherEDP Open [Commercial Publisher]pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY 4.0)
dc.titleEnergy from Landfill Gas as an Example of Circular Economypl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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