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Tytuł: Chemical Composition and Concentration of Bioactive Compounds in Garlic Cultivated from Air Bulbils
Autorzy: Francik, Renata
Kopeć, Aneta
Skoczylas, Joanna
Jędrszczyk, Elżbieta
Bystrowska, Beata
Zawistowski, Jerzy
Słowa kluczowe: air bulbils
antioxidant activity
polyphenolic compounds
sulphur compounds
Data wydania: 2020
Wydawca: MDPI
Cytat: Kopeć A, Skoczylas J, Jędrszczyk E, Francik R, Bystrowska B, Zawistowski J. Chemical Composition and Concentration of Bioactive Compounds in Garlic Cultivated from Air Bulbils. Agriculture. 2020; 10(2):40.
Abstract: This study was designed to determine the chemical composition, antioxidant activity, and selected bioactive compound content and occurrence in whole immature and mature garlic plants grown from air bulbils. Two winter garlic cultivars, Harna ́s and Ornak, of Polish origin, were cultivated from air bulbils at the Experimental Station of the Agricultural University in Kraków, Poland. Harvest bunching of garlic of both cultivars was carried out in May and in June. Mature plants were harvested in July. In whole plant proximate analysis, the concentration of vitamin C, total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, carotenoids, chlorophyll a and b, as well as glutathione level were determined. P-coumaric acid was found in Harna ́s and Ornak samples collected in May. Sinapinic acid was identified in Ornak samples collected in June and July. Identification of sulphur compounds depended on the term of harvesting. Significantly higher content of total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, as well as other bioactive compounds, was measured in the Harna ́s and Ornak cultivars harvested in May. A significantly lower level of bioactive compounds was determined in mature plants harvested in July. The organosulfur compound profile and polyphenolic profile depended on the time of harvesting. Immature garlic cultivated from air bulbils is recognized as a potential source of bioactive compounds in human nutrition, however, more research, in particular in vivo studies, is required to confirm its functional properties
ISSN: 2077-0472
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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