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dc.contributor.authorFrancik, Renata-
dc.contributor.authorKryczyk, Jadwiga-
dc.contributor.authorKrośniak, Mirosław-
dc.contributor.authorBerköz, Mehmet-
dc.contributor.authorSanocka, Ilona-
dc.contributor.authorFrancik, Sławomir-
dc.identifier.citationRenata Francik, Jadwiga Kryczyk, Mirosław Krośniak, Mehmet Berköz, Ilona Sanocka, Sławomir Francik, "The Neuroprotective Effect of Cornus mas on Brain Tissue of Wistar Rats", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 847368, 9 pages, 2014.
dc.description.abstractCornelian cherry (Cornus mas) is a valuable source of phenolic antioxidants. Flavonoid derivatives as nonenzymatic antioxidants are important in the pathophysiology of many diseases including neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease) or heart disease. In this study, we examined the effect of an addition of freeze-dried fruit of cornelian cherry on three types of diets: control diet, fructose diet, and diet enriched in fats (high-fat diet). This effect was studied by determining the following antioxidant parameters in both brain tissue and plasma in rats: catalase, ferric reducing ability of plasma, paraoxonase, protein carbonyl groups, and free thiol groups. Results indicate that both fructose diet and high-fat diet affect the antioxidant capacity of the organism. Furthermore, an addition of cornelian cherry resulted in increased activity of catalase in brain tissue, while in plasma it caused the opposite effect. In turn, with regard to paraoxonase activity in both brain tissue and plasma, it had a stimulating effect. Adding cornelian cherry to the tested diets increased the activity of PON in both tested tissues. Moreover, protective effect of fruits of this plant was observed in the process of oxidation of proteins by decreasing levels of protein carbonyl groups and thiol groups in brain tissue as well as in plasma.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa 4.0
dc.titleThe Neuroprotective Effect of Cornus mas on Brain Tissue of Wistar Ratspl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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