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Tytuł: Effects of vanadium complexes supplementation on V, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ca and K concentration in STZ diabetic rat’s spleen
Autorzy: Francik, Renata
Krośniak, Mirosław
Kowalska, Joanna
Gryboś, Ryszard
Blusz, Magdalena
Kwiatek, Wojciech M.
Słowa kluczowe: rats
trace elements
Data wydania: 2013
Wydawca: Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne
Cytat: Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research, Vol. 70 No.1 pp. 71-77, 2013
Abstract: The objective of the study was to assess the effects of five vanadium organic complexes adminis- tered with small insulin injection, on V, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ca and K concentration in STZ (streptozotocin) dia- betic rats tissues during a 5-week treatment with the tested complexes. In all groups of animals, metal concen- tration in a dry spleen samples was investigated by the proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method. Obviously, vanadium tissue concentration was higher in vanadium-treated rats. Concentration of vanadium in the spleen was xñ = 21.3 μg/g of dry sample. Vanadium administration influenced other metals concentration of rats tissues. The most pronounced influence of vanadium was observed on iron concentration in the spleen. All results were calculated for correlation between different groups of animals. Present study showed small inter- ferences between trace element changes in diabetic, or non diabetic rats after vanadium treatment. Measured elements, especially zinc, manganese and copper, are co-factors of enzymes and their content changes can influ- ence on organism homeostasis in diabetes treatment. Understanding and recognizing these relationship may permit better diabetes treatment in the future
ISSN: 0001-6837
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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