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dc.contributor.authorPrzydatek, Grzegorz-
dc.contributor.authorBudzik, Grzegorz-
dc.contributor.authorJanik, Małgorzata-
dc.identifier.citationPrzydatek, G., Budzik, G. & Janik, M. Effectiveness of selected issues related to used tyre management in Poland. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022).
dc.description.abstractThis paper discusses interactions between the generation, collection and recovery of used tyres while considering an indicator of their mass accumulation per area in Poland. Notably, this study aimed to assess selected issues related to used tyre management efficiency from 2008 to 2018 based on European Union and national regulations. Within 11 years, over 5 million Mg of used tyres was introduced into the domestic market—exceeding the amount required for 50 million registered vehicles. It was demonstrated that a significant tyre waste management process involved the recovery of 47% of all tyres, which was almost entirely correlated with the total volume of tyres. Only the growth trend for generated tyres was considered significant, and the rarely used indicator of the accumulation of used tyres per area exhibited an uneven accumulation of used tyres, with the highest amount being 48.06 Mg km−2 in a region with a small area but a significant volume of waste tyres. Therefore, the management of used tyres requires action in the country to optimally increase this form of waste collection while consolidating the development, gathering and processing infrastructure in the context of further minimising environmental pressure and increasing the efficiency of their use by considering the 4R principle.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY 4.0)
dc.subjectstatistical analysispl_PL
dc.subjectused tyrespl_PL
dc.subjectwaste managementpl_PL
dc.titleEffectiveness of selected issues related to used tyre management in Polandpl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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