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Tytuł: Physicochemical indicators of the influence of a lined municipal landfill on groundwater quality: a case study from Poland
Autorzy: Przydatek, Grzegorz
Kanownik, Włodzimierz
Słowa kluczowe: municipal waste
Data wydania: 2021
Wydawca: Springer
Cytat: Przydatek, G., Kanownik, W. Physicochemical indicators of the influence of a lined municipal landfill on groundwater quality: a case study from Poland. Environ Earth Sci 80, 456 (2021).
Abstract: The paper aims to determine the most significant physicochemical indicators of the effects that a lined landfill in southern Poland has had on groundwater quality. The results of the tests of groundwater and leachate water from the landfill for the period 2009 to 2016 were subjected to a detailed statistical analysis based on the 10 physicochemical parameters. A factor analysis was conducted considering the European Union and national requirements for landfills using analytical and statistical tools. The leachate contamination indicators from a landfill were analysed to reveal their interaction with the groundwater. The assessment indicated that there was an elevated and statistically significantly higher electrical conductivity and copper and total organic carbon concentrations in groundwater hydraulically downgradient of the landfill. The assessment also indicated that there were significant differences in the correlations between chemical parameters downgradient of the landfill and that there was a trend of increasing concentrations of some chemical constituents in groundwater. The adverse effects of the landfill were due to the deposited amount of waste exceeding 10 Mg per day. The impact was noticeable despite low and decreasing concentrations of heavy metals (Hg, Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn) in the leachate. The deterioration of the chemical state of the groundwater in the landfill vicinity could result in the extended time of pollutant migration or mass transport in the irrigated soil medium due to the limited efficiency of the leachate intake system or sealing screen after more than 20 years of landfill operation.
ISSN: 1866-6299
Występuje w kolekcjach:Artykuły Naukowe

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