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dc.contributor.authorZacłona, Zdzisława
dc.contributor.authorRadovanović, Ivica
dc.contributor.authorVujovic, Ana
dc.contributor.authorGojkov-Rajic, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.authorSafranj, Jelisaveta
dc.contributor.authorGaweł, Bogusława
dc.contributor.authorNikolic, Ivko
dc.contributor.authorStruzik, Anna
dc.contributor.authorMichalik, Mirosław
dc.contributor.authorDukovic, Anđela
dc.contributor.authorMrvos, Ivana
dc.contributor.authorJachimowicz, Joanna
dc.contributor.authorMalovic, Marija
dc.contributor.authorLazarevic, Milijana
dc.contributor.authorStojanovic, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.authorFrączek, Katarzyna
dc.contributor.authorOstrach, Zbigniew
dc.description.abstractThe multi-faceted issue of the modern education triggers the need for reflection, inspiring scientists, practitioners and other entities functioning in the educational reality to obtain a considerable insight into its various areas. The reality of school education discloses an opportunity of developing the potential of a teacher, a student and an institution per se. The monograph analyses significant, though only selected, challenges of the modern education. The authors examine phenomena and problems whose diagnosis may constitute the basis for constructive changes towards a better quality focused upon improving interactions in a didactic and educational process. The given publication is noticeably divided into two parts. The first one contains texts related to the education of prospective teachers. The second part, devoted to the school education, consists of both theoretical and practical references. While considering the content of the first part of the monograph, it is undoubtedly worth indicating that the process of preparing teachers for their prospective profession by achieving learning outcomes in the field of knowledge, skills and social attitudes is indeed a priority in both acquiring and developing their multiple competences. The scientific effort of the authors concentrating upon the sphere of higher education is fully justified since a teacher is definitely a significant person from whom professionalism and expert approach are to be expected. The authors’ reliance upon two equal and complementary research models of qualitative and quantitative research allowed for the description of facts, their interpretation and explanationpl_PL
dc.publisherPaństwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Sączupl_PL
dc.subjectinnowacje pedagogicznepl_PL
dc.subjectkształcenie nauczycielipl_PL
dc.subjectnauczanie początkowepl_PL
dc.subjectzachowania ryzykownepl_PL
dc.titleChosen issues of education in the modern erapl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Książki/Fragmenty książek

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