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Pole DCWartośćJęzyk
dc.contributor.authorJasiewicz, Katarzyna
dc.contributor.authorKosman, Marcin
dc.contributor.authorOrczykowski, Karol
dc.contributor.authorOrzychowski, Bartłomiej
dc.contributor.authorPociecha, Joanna
dc.contributor.authorSadowska, Monika
dc.contributor.authorTrojan, Sylwia
dc.contributor.authorKupiec, Maksymilian
dc.contributor.authorSmolak, Marlena
dc.contributor.authorPiliszewska, Anna
dc.description.abstractThe book Words - Ideas - Interpretations is a collection of articles presented during the III International Interdisciplinary Student Conference organised by the Student Research Society „The Linguist” of the English department of State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sącz, Poland, on 18th May 2016. The publication consists of two sections written in English, Polish, German and Russian. Each of the sections reflects the students’ diversified research interests and explores the ways in which languages express ideas. Section 1 is devoted to linguistics and translation issues: it contains articles which address a wide range of topics, including the Russian translation of Winnie-the-Pooh, the future of Estuary English, and the complex system of German tenses. Section 2 comments on aspects of literature, embracing articles which focus on such topics as the effect of strangeness in Klaus Mann’s short story and the Apophthegmata as a way of communication between God and man. The section also includes an original short story referring to Samuel T. Coleridge’s famous poem. On the whole, the publication offers a variety of approaches towards a range of issues within language studies, and the papers may serve as a resource for the present and future students of philology.pl_PL
dc.publisherPaństwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Sączupl_PL
dc.subjectliteratura europejska - historia i krytykapl_PL
dc.titleWords – Ideas – Interpretationspl_PL
Występuje w kolekcjach:Książki/Fragmenty książek

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